Post 5: My future job


When I was a little girl, I was not sure that I wanted to study as an adult, but I think I always wanted to have a job related to science or nature, I thought they were interesting and that is why I decided to study a chemistry career.

I think that having chosen this career will help me to achieve that, I imagine myself traveling a lot or doing field studies, although it depends on what area I specialize hehe.

At the moment I am not very clear about what area I want to study, but I like inorganic and analytical chemistry, I think it is something that I can understand more at the moment but in the future it may change my decision. I am also interested in nuclear reactors, I think their operation and obtaining clean energy are very interesting. There are many options that I still have to find out haha

I know I don't just want to be in an office or a monotonous job. I would love to travel a lot and see other places, as well as learn other languages ​​and new cultures.

I hope in the future to be able to achieve some of these options and have good opportunities, I would be very happy if that is the case.


  1. norganic or analytical chemistry are areas of chemistry that are very interesting, it will surely go well for you and you will be able to travel a lot.

  2. hi! traveling to other countries would be great, is the best part of the job!

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