
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 3: my pets

 Hi! I present to you my three cats, their names are Blanca, Tom and Simba. I will leave you some photos so that you can recognize them. I adopted them in different years, Tom came to my house in 2014, a friend of my mother gave him up for adoption, since then he has been very important in the family. He is a very affectionate cat and he loves to be loved but at the same time he is somewhat shy when visitors come haha In 2015 I adopted Blanca, we wanted Tom to have a sister, at first they didn't get along, over time they formed some kind of friendship and sometimes they sleep together. In 2017 Simba came home, my great-grandmother adopted him, he was a small and very furry cat, he was always adorable and affectionate with everyone, he and Tom get along very well, they take naps and play together. All three are very important to me, they always accompany me during the day, they are very good and funny pets, they cheer up any time. Blanca.  Tom.  Simba.

The Best Holidays

I can remember that my best vacations were in June 2015, we visited Rapa Nui, this trip was very special because it was a gift from my grandmother, I traveled with her and my uncles. It was my first plane trip and I was surprised because it took us five hours to get there! I thought it was a short trip. I also thought I could see the clouds and we traveled at night, I didn't see anything hahaha We stayed on the island for five days in which we visited the most important places on the island such as the Rano Kau viewpoint and Anakena beach, which is the place that I liked the most. The beach had very white sand, very warm water and some small colorful fish, it was a very nice place. I couldn't taste much of the food, but something I loved is the pumpkin Poe, it is a kind of cake that is very sweet and fluffy, it was very delicious. It was the best trip because I had a great time and it was a gift from a person I love very much, thanks to her I was able to know a lot.  Anakena Be